Learn about Aging Meat
Aging produces beef that is naturally tender and flavorful. There are two types of aging, wet aging and dry aging.
Wet aging – Meat is aged in vacuum bags under carefully controlled refrigerated conditions. Because the packaging retains moisture, wet aging results in increased juiciness and tenderness. Wet aging is the most predominant method used today and the process typically takes from 1 to 2 weeks.
Dry aging – Meat is hung in temperature and humidity controlled coolers for a period of 2-4 weeks where the meat’s natural enzymes act as a tenderizer, breaking down the connective tissue making it more tender and giving it a more distinctive flavor. This process takes more time and is more expensive and thus is not used as frequently as wet aging.
Dorfler’s utilizes wet and dry aging techniques to attain the highest quality of prime meat—flavorful, tender and juicy—perfection!